NBCE Online Sample Tests Powered by TesTrac.com, Ltd. |
The National Board has developed these sample tests to assist in your preparation for the actual NBCE examinations. The questions in these sample tests and the content they cover are representative of the style and quality of actual NBCE examination questions.
To most accurately reflect your mastery of the test content, we recommend that you replicate actual testing conditions. Specifically, we suggest that you work through each sample test as if it were an actual examination: arrange for uninterrupted time and do not use texts or study aids.
Because actual NBCE examinations are timed, we recommend that you allocate the amount of time listed below to complete the sample tests:
At the end of each sample test, you will receive a score report with a total percentage correct, and a percentage for each category in the subject. This breakdown may be useful in helping to focus further study. You can print this score report, and it can also be accessed at a later date by logging into the web site.
It is NBCE's policy not to provide answers to the individual questions contained in these sample tests. Candidates will receive feedback by category performance only. The category sub-score provides a better indication of knowledge of the content area than does information on an individual question level.
If you already have an NBCE Online Sample Test ID beginning with NBC and a PIN, you should click on "Sign in". You will have an NBCE system ID and PIN if you have registered for an NBCE sample test on this site in the past.
If you have forgotten your ID and PIN, please click on "Lookup account information" below or click on feedback and email the system attendant with your full name, birth date, address and daytime phone to obtain this information.
If you are new to this site and do not have an ID and PIN for the sample tests, click on "Register" to create an account.