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Welcome to the ICB Tutorial!

This tutorial is designed to assist you in the review of the items you mark for review.

The screen displays a count‐down clock providing the actual time remaining on the test at the right‐hand side of the screen. The individual item number and the total number of items on the test are displayed at the left‐hand side of the screen.

Reviewing Items

We recommend that you answer each item and proceed through the entire test. If you have concerns on an answer selection, please mark the question for review. This function can be found below the answer choices.

Each item may be flagged by placing a check mark in the box entitled Mark for Review which appears below the answer options. The selected answer may be changed on review.

When you have completed the last item on the exam, the “Next” button will be grayed out and unavailable.

Once you have finished the exam, you must hit Complete the Exam to begin the review process. This will take you to the “Reviewing Items Screen,” where items may be reviewed before submitting the final exam. You will be presented with a list of item IDs for the test, and the ones you have marked for review will be highlighted. Click on the test question ID and the item will be presented.

To proceed to the next item, click on Return to Exam Review. This will bring you back to the list of items.

When you have completed the review, click on Complete the Exam again. You will be asked to confirm that you want to submit the exam.

Candidates can continue the review process as long as there is time remaining on the test. When the time has expired, access to the exam will be terminated, and the test will be submitted for scoring. Items that are not completed will be scored as incorrect answers.

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