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The Official GED Practice Test™
The Official GED Practice Test™ is your source for authentic practice questions from the creators of the GED® test. With the Official GED Practice Test™ you have 25 different practice tests and more than 1,000 practice questions at your fingertips.

  1. Click the "Sign in" button
  2. Enter your Logon ID and password (from your administrator or sent via email)
  3. Select the practice test you purchased

Good luck and enjoy the Official GED Practice Test™.

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Choose the "Lookup account information" button and TesTrac will send the ID and password to your email.

NOTE: Login IDs and PIN numbers for this system are different from other GED® testing systems such as registration, scheduling, and score report systems.
GED Testing Service recommends that you use either Microsoft Internet Explorer® or Safari®, as your browser for this site

Any Official GED Practice Tests™ on this site are non-proctored, so please disregard any references to proctors or proctored exams in the instructions on this page.

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