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Building Security Certified Professional (BSCP™)

The Building Security Certified Professional (BSCP) certification program was created in 2006 to provide design and security professionals with a credential that demonstrates a comprehensive, multidisciplinary understanding of building security issues. The BSCP has created a database of individuals who have earned their BSCP on this website. Ultimately, the long-term goal of the BSCP program is to integrate security into every stage of the facility life-cycle-planning, design, construction, and operation.


The mission of the Building Security Certification Program is to administer and maintain rating systems that enable building owners and operators to evaluate and improve the security of their facilities.


The vision of the Building Security Certification Program is to enhance public safety by promoting building security.


  • Goals of the Building Security Certification Program include:
  • Increase awareness and acceptance of design and operation criteria for building security
  • Encourage innovation in building security
  • Establish and maintain viable building security rating system
  • Advocate security education by promoting certification of individuals
  • Sustain the Building Security Certification Program through sound business practices
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