BCI Exam Online Site Powered by TesTrac.com, Ltd. |
Welcome to the Business Continuity Institute (BCI) online examination site. Here you can take the Certificate of the BCI (CBCI) Examination to test your knowledge and understanding of the Good Practice Guidelines (aligned to the international standard for Business Continuity Management ISO 22301).
A pass or pass with merit in this examination leads to a globally recognized credential in Business Continuity and post nominal designation of CBCI. You will become a certified BC professional and your name placed on the CBCI register on the main BCI website www.thebci.org.
Certification with the BCI is the first step towards BCI Membership levels of AMBCI, MBCI, AFBCI and FBCI. Depending on your exam result, and the length and breadth of your experience, you will be invited to apply to join at the appropriate membership level.
NOTE: If you already have a BCI ID beginning with TBC and PIN, you should click on "Sign in". You will have an BCI User ID and PIN if you have registered with The BCI.
If you have forgotten your ID and PIN, please click on feedback and email the System Attendant or call (952-953-6292) with your full name, birth date, address and daytime phone to obtain this information. If you are new to this site and do not have an ID and PIN, please contact The BCI.
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