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Congratulations on completing all requirements allowing you the opportunity to test your knowledge as it relates to PGA of America’s coursework. The PGA of America was founded in 1916 and is considered the world's largest sports association consisting of over 29,000 men and women PGA Professionals. Through its PGA Professional Golf Management Program, Members acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for a lifelong career in the golf industry.

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You will have received an ID and PIN if you have previously entered the system and started an assignment or test. If you have entered this site previously but do not recall your ID and PIN, please click on LOOKUP MY ID AND PIN.

PGA PGM Exam Policy on Cheating
Cheating is considered a violation of the PGA Code of Ethics that specifies sportsmanship and ethical practices. Anyone who brings any unauthorized materials to the examination site or who is discovered to copy or attempt to copy work from others may be expelled from the Professional Golf Management Program for up to five years.

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