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Welcome to the ProctorU© online examination demonstration website. This demonstration exam is intended to showcase some the unique capabilities of ProctorU's proctoring services combined with the unique capabilities of TesTrac Online©.

About ProctorU

Whether you are doing academic testing, certification exams, employment assessment, or language assessments, ProctorU can provide security, convenience and savings to your organization and their candidates by allowing candidates to complete tests from anywhere in the world there is a broadband internet connection.

We provide online authentication and proctoring (invigilation) services to universities, corporations, and associations. We secure the environment with live, person-to-person proctors who monitor the candidates using webcams and screen-sharing technology. ProctorU provides real-time monitoring to more than 400 institutions.

ProctorU's three step process confirms that the candidate who registered for the exam is the one taking the exam, and is adhering to the institution’s testing rules. Live proctors are able to:

  1. See and hear the test-takers,
  2. See what they are doing on their computers, and
  3. Know who they are through a multi-step authentication process.

Proctors monitor the candidates proactively to prevent inappropriate behavior during the testing. For additional information you can go to or contact:

Morris Harmor
Partnership Coordinator
ProctorU, Inc.
Office: 480-646-3384
Cell: 480-246-9634

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